Market Size

ToHonesty Total Market Size

By 'lost' we mean owners who mistakenly believe it is lost because they no longer have access to it. Either by losing their wallet, wallet passphrase, or private key. This is a misunderstanding about how cryptocurrency protocols and the legal system works when it comes to ownership of property.

Professional research indicates about 20% of all Bitcoin currently distributed, has been 'lost'. 
This is the 'market size' of our business. Or the total amount of Bitcoin available for recovery. 
  • US$73 Billion (Bitcoin Core(BTC) price as of 13 Oct 22).
If you have lost your Bitcoin, it will come out of this number. Here are some useful data points:
  • US$1.9 Billion - The value ToHonesty estimates of the largest Lost Coin Owner
  • US$15 Billion - ToHonesty estimates for the value of a theoretical representative action for accounts hacked on the Mt. Gox exchange (up to 850,000 in various crypto) 
  • Our Lost Coin Recovery (LCR) database shows the top 10 Lost Coin Owners(LCO) are valued at about US$4 Billion. There will be tens of thousands of smaller but still highly significant value owners.
  • Our LCR database has already captured about 12% of the total Bitcoin distributed. And nearly 60% of estimated lost Bitcoin.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, ToHonesty uses Bitcoin Core (BTC) as a reference blockchain, because it has recorded on its ledger by far the largest number of lost coins.


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