
Digital Asset Recovery is possible on all blockchains

ToHonesty will help you through the process of recovering your assets.

Contrary to popular belief, recovering blockchain-based digital assets is possible.

The original blockchain, Bitcoin, was designed by Satoshi Nakamoto to comply with the law, including recovering coins and tokens.

ToHonesty Digital Assets Recovery

We will help restore cryptocurrency, lost in any way whatsoever, to its legal owner.

Our method uses the legal system to do this. So there is a 100% guarantee the process will run legally end to end.

It does not require that you are in possession of the associated private key, wallet, or wallet passphrase.

For 99% of crypto experts and analysts this comes as quite a surprise. This is because the narrative surrounding crypto is false and misleading. 

What do I need to do to recover my cryptocurrency?

All you need to do is provide evidence, in any form whatsoever, that you legally own the coin. This might be an invoice or transaction statement from the exchange you purchased it from. Anything can be used that is enough to convince a judge that you are the legal owner.

There is absolutely nothing special about crypto here. Image your car was stolen. You have provable legal title to it from the invoice used during the purchase, which identifies you in several ways, as the owner. This has always been enough to give you restitution, nearly always without even requiring a court case.

Cryptocurrency is no different to all other kinds of property here. 

Where does the name come from? 

Think about a toast, to the honesty of people who understand, that though not perfect, we can always turn to the law for protection of our property rights and restitution of our hard earned property.

Our Clients

We are building a client base from legal owners of cryptocurrency. They will have worked hard and developed honourable businesses to gain ownership of their property.

We will immediately report any client deemed to be suspected of fraud or criminal activity. Or any client who attempts to illegally gain ownership through our method.

Why am I being told "not your keys, not your coin?"

Misinformation! Bitcoin has been going for over fifteen years. During that time a narrative has developed which tells you that if you're not in possession of your keys or wallet passphrase, your coin is lost. Or even it belongs to whomever does possess the keys. This is misinformation. Do not believe it.

Ownership matters in the end, the law says so

We are experts on the Bitcoin protocol behind all cryptocurrencies. We can show you that mere possession of the keys, is not ownership. It is legal title to ownership that matters in the end. Any judge will uphold this principle. Just because cryptocurrency is relatively new, does not mean it falls outside of the law.

Imagine your car keys were stolen and in the possession of someone else. You still own the car legally. The law as always can put that straight. There is absolutely nothing special about cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin makes protection of property easier

The beauty of the Bitcoin protocol is restitution of lost property to its rightful owner is so much more certain than with other forms of property. Of course, this does not mean you should take less care of your property next time.


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